Who Even Has a Blog Anymore

The sun cutting across a sign outside the Mint Museum in Uptown Charlotte, NC

I didn’t even have one when they were “cool,” and I may be misremembering how cool they actually were.
A lot of photography sites have this component to them I think, especially for the hobbyists and travel photographers, where there will be fanciful long-distance travel, an in depth reflection on experiences (with maybe a touch of branded content), and probably some photography advice for those looking for it.

We aren’t there yet, and that’s likely not what this is being used for (at least at the time of this writing).

What I do want to use this for is for those brief spits of travel I do get and a more in depth look at some of the shots I’ve taken. A glance at my process for any looking to see it, though I am no more an artist than anyone else. But to paraphrase the denoument of one of my favorite animated movies about a rat, not everyone can be a great artist but anyone can be one if they try.

The circumstances that have allowed this part of my life to start were less than ideal, but I’m not gonna be a bummer in my first post; frankly I just want to be able to make the most of my photography now that I get to do it. So stay tuned. Expect sporadic posts here about some photo walks, maybe some shots from some work that I get to do, and the occasional review of things experienced. Bless Up. Josh